Young men looking intently at computers

Achieving Independence Center

The Achieving Independence Center exists to provide a safe communal space where youth in dependent care can be connected, educated, and empowered as they strive toward attaining and maintaining independence. AIC provides independent living skills to youth ages 14-23 who are involved in the foster care system. It is a one-stop-shop that offers many services and supports in one single location.


More Information

Target Audience

The Achieving Independence Center services youth and young adults who have had a history with the Department of Human Services (DHS) by way out of home, dependent placement after 14th birthday (foster care, congregate care, or kinship care).

Temple University provides educational support services to AIC members, which include homework help while in high school, college tours, college preparedness, and guidance, assistance with college applications and scholarships.

Eligibility Requirements
  • 14 to 23 years   

  • Be in or have been in out-of-home placement at or after their 14th birthday 

  • Been adjudicated dependent or dependent and delinquent

Hours of Operation

Open each day to youth at 12:00 Noon.

School Year:   Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (open to youth starting at 12:00 PM)
                            Friday:  9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (virtual only, open to youth starting at 12:00 PM)

Summer:        Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 6:00pm (open to youth starting at 11:00 PM)
                            Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm (virtual only, open to youth starting at 12:00 PM)

Location of Services

Achieving Independence Center

Leon Sullivan Building

1415 North.Broad Street, Suite 100

Philadelphia, PA 19122

*Currently providing both in-person and virtual services

Contact Information

To become AIC member contact either:

Recruitment Coordinator:
Earla Joseph
Phone:   484-795-1180

Recruitment Specialist:
Monaca Tith
Phone:   267-405-9538

AIC Instagram page @AICPhilly

To reactivate AIC membership, call 215-574-9194 and ask to be put on the reactivation list.

Once a member, if education assistance is needed, ask to be connected to Temple University / AIC Education Team. 


Our work is made possible thanks to the support of Valley Youth House and the City of Philadelphia, Office of Children and Families, Department of Human Services, whose goal is to enhance education and build independent living skills in current and former DHS-involved teens and young adults.