Image is of a mural with images of a justice scale, candles, and face

Philadelphia ReCAST

Program Overview

ReCAST — which stands for Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma — is an initiative led by the City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS) in collaboration with Temple University and other community stakeholders.  The ReCAST initiative promotes resilience and equity in communities that recently faced civil unrest with a focus on youth and young adults and their families by developing evidence-based violence prevention and community youth-engagement programs, as well as offering linkages to trauma-informed behavioral health services. Over five years (2021-2026), this program will work closely with residents and community leaders to provide services, resources, and initiatives that promote resilience and equity, improve behavioral health connections, and reduce trauma through a sustained community-change process. 

The Philadelphia ReCAST Initiative serves six specific neighborhoods.

  • North Philadelphia: Nicetown-Tioga, Sharswood-Stanton, Strawberry Mansion
  • West/Southwest Philadelphia: Mill Creek-Parkside, Cobbs Creek, Paschall-Kingsessing

Philadelphia ReCAST Mission: To promote resilience and equity, improve behavioral health, and reduce trauma through a sustained community change process.

ReCAST Grant and Overarching Goals:  The Philadephia ReCAST Initiative is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration via a grant awarded to the Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility  Services. The ReCAST goals are to:

  • Prevent or reduce community violence involving youth and young adults and their families
  • Address stress and trauma experienced by youth and young adults and their families
  • Strengthen community capacity to foster engagement among neighborhood residents

ReCAST Funding.  Each year, the ReCAST initiative provides opportunities for organizations to apply for  funding.  The ReCAST Mini-Grant funding can be used to support activities and programs for youth and young adults (14 to 24 years) and their families and to further the ReCAST goals as stated above. All approved programs and activities must include some element or component that addresses mental health and well-being of youth, young adults and their families (e.g. promoting mental health awareness, providing mental health resources, teaching mindfulness, offering yoga, individual or group counseling, mental health workshops, etc.) Here is a list of potential strategies.  Sign up for the ReCAST newsletter which includes notifications about when the mini-grant funding becomes available, email

The ReCAST Summer Activity Grant application is now open, with applications being reviewed and awarded on a rolling basis.  DBHIDS/SAMHSA is making available this grant opportunity specifically to support a one-time community uplifting This grant is being awarded in two levels. 

  • Level 1 awards a maximum funding amount of $5,000
  • Level 2 awards a maximum funding amount of $10,000. 

The application link can be found here:

Any questions regarding this ReCAST Summer Activity Grant can be sent to:  Note:  Certificates of insurance will be required. This ReCAST Summer Activity Grant application will close on July 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM OR until the available funds have been exhausted.

ReCAST Events:   If you want to know what events are happening in the ReCAST communities, check out this e-bulletin board:

More Information

Neighborhoods of Focus

West Philadelphia

  • Cobbs Creek
  • Mill Creek-Parkside
  • Paschall-Kingsessing

North Philadelphia

  • Nicetown-Tioga
  • Sharswood-Stanton
  • Strawberry Mansion

Click here to see a map of the ReCAST neighborhoods:

Our Goals
  • Reduce trauma among high-risk youth and families in the six targeted neighborhoods through the implementation of evidence-based violence prevention programs, community- and youth-development programs, and linkages to trauma-informed behavioral health services.
  • Create opportunities for faith leaders and treatment providers of color to infuse the treatment system with practice-based culturally competent evidence.
  • Expand culturally competent trauma-informed behavioral health practices in schools and community youth programs through training in evidence-based practices designed for communities of color, such as PLAAY (Preventing Long Term Anger and Aggression in Youth).
  • Create youth support and leadership development. Philadelphia ReCAST will build an Emerging Leaders Community.
  • Ensure that community leaders and young adults have the tools they need to conduct evaluations without researchers driving the process.
Key Activities and Initiatives
  • Table Talks
  • Community Strategic Plan
  • Community Advisory Council 
  • Mini-Grants Program
  • SOS
  • Network of Neighbors
Funding Opportunity and Resources

ReCAST Funding.  Each year, the ReCAST initiative provides opportunities for organizations to apply for funding.  The ReCAST  funding can be used to support activities and programs for youth and young adults (14 to 24 years) and their families and to further the ReCAST goals as stated above. All approved programs and activities must include some element or component that addresses mental health and well-being of youth, young adults and their families (e.g. promoting mental health awareness, providing mental health resources, teaching mindfulness, offering yoga, individual or group counseling, mental health workshops, etc.) 

ReCAST Summer Activity Grant Objectives:  DBHIDS/SAMHSA is making available grant funding which can be used to support a one-time community uplifting Summer event/activity for youth and young adults (14 to 24 years) and their families and to further the ReCAST goals as stated above. All approved events or activities must include some element or component that addresses mental health and well-being of youth, young adults, and their families (e.g. promoting mental health awareness, providing mental health resources, teaching mindfulness, offering yoga, individual or group counseling, mental health workshops, etc.) For funding consideration, a proposed event/activity should reflect one or more of the following objectives: 

  • To increase youth/young adult mental health and gun violence awareness.
  • To provide culturally competent and youth/young adult focused messaging strategies towards reducing trauma related to gun violence and increasing mental health awareness.
  • To support positive summer recreation activities in ReCAST neighborhoods.
  • To promote unity among community members in ReCAST neighborhoods.

Funding cannot be used for purchase of alcohol or tobacco, for construction or renovation projects or for purchase of buildings. Programs cannot charge participants any fees.  

ReCAST Summer Activity Grant Funding Levels:  Funding for the ReCAST Summer Activity Grant is available in two levels:

  • Level 1 (Up to $5,000): Level 1 is for a smaller "grass-roots" scale event serving 50-100 participants from one or more ReCAST neighborhood(s). 
  • Level 2 (Up to $10,000): Level 2 is for an event serving 100+ participants from one or more ReCAST neighborhood(s). 

Note: 50% of the award amount can be requested as an advance. However, this is a cost reimbursable grant, and receipts will be required upon submission of your final invoice. 

ReCAST Period of Performance: Please note that the Summer Activity must operate between July 1, 2024 and September 29, 2024. Final invoices will need to be submitted by October 15, 2024. 

Eligibility Requirements: This funding opportunity is open to grassroots/community-based agencies, faith-based organizations, non-profit organizations and local small businesses located in one of the six ReCAST neighborhoods of focus. Members of the ReCAST Community Advisory Council, ReCAST Mini-Grant Committee, and former grantees who have met all ReCAST reporting and invoice requirements may also apply. Applicants must have a proven track record of service in community that they serve. Applicants cannot be a member of a government entity (e.g. city department, public school, public library, etc.)

Additionally, to be eligible applicants must be committed to adhere to the following requirements:

  • Must be a well-established, reputable community festival or neighborhood social activity having a rich connection to the community. 
  • Event must provide ReCAST funded programs from that neighborhood opportunity to participate/present and allow the distribution of ReCAST awareness materials.
  • Must feature activities that promote youth/young adult mental health/emotional wellness and gun violence prevention messaging. (Ex: Performances, tabling, presentations, etc.)
  • Must have a procedure for estimating event attendance; tracking of attendee zip codes, ages, and gender preferred.
  • Commit to provide a comprehensive written post-event report, specifically detailing activities that provided mental/behavioral health support and trauma reduction/resilience building.
  • Must have or obtain insurance for the event with Temple University and DBHIDS named as additional insureds. 

ReCAST Summer Activity Grant Application Process: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until July 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM. A complete application includes:  

Selection Process and Criteria:  The ReCAST Summer Activity Grant decisions will be made by ReCAST staff. Applications will be evaluated on their alignment of their proposed project with ReCAST goals, proven track record of service and community involvement, as well as clear demonstration of fiscal accountability and management. DBHIDS reserves the right to negotiate the scope of work and budget with applicants. All previous ReCAST grantees must propose an entirely new event/activity.


Note:  Submission of a ReCAST application does not guarantee funding.  Selected applicants must also be prepared to submit additional information (e.g. W-9, child abuse clearances, insurance certificates). 


Previously Awarded Grantees

Here is a list of previously awarded ReCAST grantees from 2023-2024.

Here is a list of all ReCAST grantees, including this year awardees.

Contact Information

Lenfest Center for Community Workforce Partnerships 

Ritter Annex, 4th Floor

1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue 

Philadelphia, PA  19122 

Office:   (215) 204-7491



Our work is made possible thanks to the lead agency, the City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services.  DBHIDS's mission is to education, strengthen and service individuals and communities so that all Philadelphians can thrive.

Funding for the Philadelphia ReCAST Initiative comes from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services / Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Grant Number H79SM084863.