Ulicia Lawrence-Oladeinde

Picture of Ulicia Lawrence-Oladeinde

Ulicia Lawrence-Oladeinde

  • Lenfest Center for Community Workforce Partnerships

      • Program Coordinator


        • New Choices Career Develompent

Ulicia previously served as the Director of The Pan African Studies Community Education Program (PASCEP) and Coordinator of one of Temple University’s state funded Adult Education programs. She also presently serves on the Board of The Sentencing Foundation as the Education Coordinator and career coach for formerly incarcerated individuals who receive “Resource-based” sentencing through the Honorable Judge Stephanie Sawyer a Temple Alumnus.

As the Program Coordinator for New Choices Career Development, she provides collaboration with organization to empower Pennsylvanians with the skills, resources and support they need to find meaningful employment and develop career pathways. The program has two focus: 1) Vulnerable population such as reentry, human services impacted and undereducated high school equivalency

individuals, 2) Unemployed, underemployed job and career seekers. Life Coaching provides an additional layer of support for self-development of all participants served.

Utilizing her degree in Adult and Organizational Development, Ulicia also provides professional development and curriculum development that focus on the workforce to build capacity of non-profits and religious institutions. She sits on several Boards of Directors including the Philadelphia Reentry Coalition but her greatest passion is teaching Sunday School.