Carolyn Finklea

Carolyn Finklea

Carolyn Finklea

  • Lenfest Center for Community Workforce Partnerships

      • Associate Director for Adult Education


        • WELL Program

Recently promoted as the Associate Director of Adult Education for the Temple University’s Lenfest Center for Community Workforce Partnerships, Ms. Finklea manages several programs including the Workforce Education and Lifelong Learning Program, (WELL).  The WELL Program is one of three Title II programs that are funded by the PA Department of Education, adult education division. Carolyn has over thirty years of experience providing academic and technology instruction and technical support for youth and adults in community-based, corporate, and higher education environments.  Her previous positions under Lenfest, the Center for Social Policy, and Temple’s Law School includes, program coordinator, lead instructor, academic instructor, and computer coordinator.   

Carolyn's educational attainment includes a M.Ed. from the University of Maryland Global, certification in adult education from University of Delaware, a BBA in Human Resource Administration from Fox School of Business, and a graduate certification in Teaching in Higher Education from Temple’s College of Education. In addition to many years of experience as the program coordinator of Temple WELL, Carolyn also leads efforts to provide digital literacy leadership in adult education, which includes engaging and immersing students in learning activities that are designed to improve their digital literacy skills and encourage life-long learning.