Alfreda Nagle

Ali Nagle

Alfreda Nagle

  • Lenfest Center for Community Workforce Partnerships

      • AIC Education Specialist

Ali Nagle MSW, LSW

Ali began working at Temple University in September 2003. At the time she was entering her final year of Temple University School of Social Work’s Master of Social Work program with a focus in Administration and Planning and interned with the Research and Evaluation with the Center for Social Policy and Community Development. After earning her MSW in May 2004 Ali began working as a part-time Program Assistant with the Achieving Independence Center to aid with reporting and documentation of contracted services. In January 2005 she began working as a full-time Career Coach with the Achieving Independence Center, continuing to aid with reporting in addition to now providing individual education counseling services to youth transitioning out of the foster care system. Ali has been a Field Supervisor to Temple University School of Social Work students since 2005 providing guidance and opportunities for them to strengthen their burgeoning Social Work skills.

Over the past twenty years in addition to individual educational counseling and aiding with reporting of contracted services Ali has assisted in creating workshops related to post-secondary planning for those graduating high school as well as supervising interns in the creation of workshops for first-time college students as well as younger youth in middle school/early high school grades. Since June 2023 Ali has been the Education Coordinator overseeing the AIC Education Team staff and indirect and direct education support provided to 300+ youth 14 to 23 years old with out-of-home placement experience with the Philadelphia Department of Human Services.